Enjoy these new moon affirmations, journal prompts and let us know what's coming up for you around the awakening of your own inner healer.
♍ The greatest gift I can offer the world is my own healing
♍ The greatest healing I can offer another human is my full presence
♍ I accept this moment exactly as it is
♍ I accept myself exactly as I am
♍ I accept my body exactly as it is
♍ I am in tune with my body, and I respect its needs and desires
♍ I release past wounds and welcome healing into my life
Virgo Journal Prompts
♍ What is one area of your life where you feel called to heal? What support do you need to embark on this healing journey?
♍ Healed and whole is your original and organicstate. We heal by simply removing blocks impeding the natural flow of this river of vitality and grace. What is something you desire to let go of with this new moon—whether it’s an old belief, a habit, or a relationship — that no longer serves you?
New Moon Rituals to Cultivate Your Inner Healer + Move from Chaos to Order
♍ Bury Old Grievances ♍
Virgo is ruled by the Earth element. The soil herself is always eager to compost our burdens. It’s her superpower is to alchemize our (sh)it into fresh lifeforce for both us and the world.
When we hang on to old hurts or patterns that are no longer serving us, we block our energetic rivers (nadis), we don’t feel as vibrant and this will eventually manifest as dis-ease. Heal yourself now by making a new moon date to bury an old grievances or an old pattern that is ready to go.
Locate a quiet, peaceful outdoor location where you feel connected to nature. If you can’t be outdoors, create a small altar indoors with natural elements (like plants, stones, or flowers).
Ground Yourself ~ Stand barefoot on the earth, take a few deep breaths, and visualize roots growing from your feet into the ground. Feel the connection to the earth’s energy.
Light a Candle (Optional ~ make sure it’s safe if you’re outdoors). As the flame burns, focus on its warmth and light, symbolizing your intention to release and transform old emotions.
Reflect or Journal What emotional baggage, limiting beliefs, or past experiences are you ready to let go of?
Dig a Small Hole ~ As you dig, feel and visualize the earth willingly opening up to receive your burdens.
Speak into the Hole whatever it is your re letting go of then try this statement “I release these burdens to the earth. I let go of what no longer serves me. I trust the earth to transform this energy for my highest good.”
Make an Offering ~ Place a grounding crystal or small offering on top of the burial site to further anchor your intention.
Water the Earth ~ Pour a little water over the burial site, symbolizing cleansing and purification. As you do, visualize the water washing away the old energy and seeding new growth and opportunities.
Close the Ritual with Gratitude ~ by thanking the Earth and Moon: Express gratitude to the earth and the moon for their support in your release and transformation.
Blow Out Your Candle: As you extinguish the candle, take a deep breath, and feel a sense of completion and lightness.
Reflect and Integrate ~ Consider journalling after the ritual about how you feel, any insights you gained, or any changes you notice in the coming days. Engage in any delicious, healing self-care activities like a warm bath, meditation, or a nature walk to nurture yourself as you integrate the energy of the ritual.
♍ Commit to Seeing Beauty ♍
Deactivate the perfectionist “fixer” virgo shadow by committing to noticing first what is beautiful when you look in the mirror. When we practice this consciously many times/day we start to effortlessly bring this practice into our work, our partnerships, our family and all areas of our life more often, anchoring into gratitude and thereby creating more of what we appreciate.
While striving for perfection may just seem like high standards, it’s actually an ineffective technique to cope with the deep-seated fear of not being enough, seeking validation and approval through flawless performance rather than embracing your own inherent worth.
Write a note on your mirror(s) with something like “Gratitude first.” Each time you see it, look yourself in the eyes, call out a specific thing you appreciate about your appearance and give yourself a simple (extra credit if you wink).
Practice accepting your body and this moment as it is - 'don't should on yourself.’
How can you apply this same ritual to your partnership, your relationship with your kids, your yoga practice, your employees, your home, etc? Post stickies in as many places as you need and get to practicing.
The benefits are abundant and immediate.
♍ Compassionately Streamline Your To - Do list ♍
Virgo creates grounded, sustainable systems so that we live from our center and clarifying our priorities is potent Virgo.
Do you cultivate your to-do list practice as a sacred space or as a dumping ground replete with overwhelm? With this process the creation of your list can become a spiritual practice of shedding perfection and overdoing and prioritizing spaciousness. Awaken your magical power to create more time for yourself by shrinking your list and receiving more support.
Take inventory of what areas of your life could use your loving attention. What are area of your life has been feeling chaotic or out of control? You can create a to - do list for that area specifically but you can also apply this process to your general to - do lists.
Once you have your to -do list ask yourself these questions inspired by Kate Northrup for each item…
Does this need to be done? If not, just let it go. Feels so good.
Does this need to be done by me? If there’s anyway you can outsource it - DO! Reach out now.
Does this need to be done right now? Your intuition will tell you if this has been put off long enough.
Is there anyway that I can receive support around this? Maybe from a mentor, coach, therapist or by sharing your feelings with your women’s circle or a trusted friend. If this is a chaotic area of your life, chances are that your first order of business is to talk it through with another wise woman.
If the item on your list passes the test and wants to be addressed this week or month, schedule it in your calendar now, even if you schedule it as a span of several days.