Samhain Rituals to Meet Your Magic, Your Ancestors, Your Witch


"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi

What happens in twilight? What is it to watch a sunset?

It’s not just beauty and magic ~ its death.

Just as there’s no sunrise without sunset, there’s no vitality without rest, there’s no birth without death.

Today is solar Samhain - the exact midpoint between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice. At this tender moment in the year, the mysteries are profound. Nights grow longer and the inner realms of consciousness expand. The cauldron of regeneration is brewing our deepest magic as our shadows beckon us to reclaim hidden treasures within.

The death of the year isn’t a productive time. In a future oriented culture that values productivity above all else, it's not easy to carve out time to walk the edges ~ dying to an old way of being, metamorphosis, composting, initiation, severance, grief, dreamscape. To honor the dark moon, the night, the womb, the crone and wise elders, ancestors and the Otherworld.

Like a butterfly dissolving in cocoon - this is your yearly sanctuary of falling apart. 

While the Dark has been vilified in our culture, all of life and love begins in the Dark - a seed in the soil, the birth of stars, a babe in the womb.

Samhain teaches us the root of our magic - to embrace your fears, wounds and the parts of yourself that you keep hidden in the dark. You’re invited to build your toolkit with night vision, your trust in your capacity to weather the storm and to find your strength.

Avoiding the dark hides you further from your Soul

This is the nature of the feminine - not just to ascend to spirit as an escape from our humanity, but to descend into soul as an honoring of this precious life.


But by shedding the old baggage of false identities and expectations, you are reborn into the potency of your Truth.


We ripen in a way that looks like nothing is happening but if we never take the time to die to this year, how can we be reborn in the New Year?


We honor our ancestors at this time in order to honor our descendants. May the unhelpful patterns ~ overthinking, numbing, not trusting ourselves, not taking action on our dreams ~ stop with us. That our children might not be dealing with the same fear of “not good enough.” That they might be as brave as we are to face the night.

~ Ways to Go Deeper ~

I’ve included a simple, accessible and powerful Samhain ritual below and have several articles on my blog exploring these themes.


If you feel the call to go deeper, I’m offering 50% off the Samhain Yoga Ritual Bundle until Friday using code “RECLAIMING.” See the bottom of the page. 

~ Samhain Death Lodge Ritual ~

I’m honored to pass on to you an ancient practice I was inspired to craft by the School of Lost Borders.


Grab a cup of warm tea, your journal and a blanket and sit patiently with the stars, the night or the early morning before sunrise. You may wish to have a photo or an object from an ancestor who has passed form the other side for support. Be with the infinite blackness of the stars and ask ~


🖤 What needs to be tended in the dark of my soul?

🖤 What wants to fall to the ground?

🖤 What am I dying to so that I’m not dying from it?

🖤 What am I being asked to release in this lifetime so that my descendents don’t have to?


Write stream of consciousness style without censoring, breathe and stay in your body. Feel the presence of your well ancestors moving through you, supporting you and loving you on your path of self knowledge. 


Close By Offering…


🖤 Gratitude for this ever unfolding, mysterious gift of life.

🖤 Gratitude for your body, your temporary vehicle in this lifetime.

🖤 Gratitude to the Earth, who creates and provides for your body.

🖤 Gratitude to your ancestors - human, plant and animal -  who gifted you this life. 

🖤 Gratitude to your soul for calling you to self reflection.

At this time of year, may the moments you take to honor your soul be a service towards greater peace on this planet.


May you bravely descend into the wisdom of the Feminine.


May all that is not Love transmute until it returns back to its root as Love.