Yoga was Created by Men 😱


If you're a spiritual woman and you love ancient wisdom, perhaps you've felt like something is missing - something embodied + juicy that supports the emotional complexity of your experience.

I began studying Yoga and Buddhism in my teens - craving freedom from my dysfunctional mind and Western religion. I was fully devoted to my practice, became a teacher and wholeheartedly served and practiced with all the tools I had.

But it wasn't until I discovered the Feminine Mysteries that I was able to truly connect all the dots. I came to discover that the paths I'd studied were, for the most part, created by men for men and passed down generationally by men then sold to modern women in completely different geographical and cultural contexts.

These ancient wisdom path are missing a critical link for women…

In fact, most spiritual practices we idealize in the West today were created primarily by men so that they could experience the mystical, visionary currents that women have inherent access to through the processes of mensuration, birth and menopause.

If a woman is present to and understands the intricacies of her inner journey, she is naturally in a space of attunement to the peace of nature, spirit, community, her soul's path and all of life.

This is a mindfulness practice holding potency beyond any meditation practice from any tradition.

The problem is, without a context to understand the spiritual superpowers hidden within our body, we've lost touch and turned these powers against ourselves through emotional instability, martyrdom and burnout.

As we've lost connection with the cycles of our own mental, physical and psycho-emotional currents, we've lost touch with our our ancestral ways, connection to the Earth and the healing power of the cycles of nature.

Just as the ancient Goddess was the link between the people and the land, as we’ve forgotten ourselves, humanity has forgotten itself.

Every physical system in a female body runs on a lunar clock - cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, immune, respiratory, musclo-skelatal, lymphatic - you name it!

Ancient cultures around the globe were deeply attuned to the lunar cycle while modern Western culture lives and dies by a 24 hour clock - the cycle of male hormones- leaving women out of sync.

This has left many of us sick, moody, exhausted and disconnected from our purpose, our emotions and our true superpowers of leadership.

Without wise elders and initiatory pathways to fully understand our feminine superpowers, we've forgotten what our great grandmother's knew - our leadership lives not just in external accomplishments but in the mysterious internal, spiritual powers inherent in our bodies that create all life.

Modern feminism may have recently gotten us to a place where we can vote, own bank accounts and achieve positions of power yet the staggering burnout rate of women continues to grow exponentially.

Perhaps we're not just meant to use our newfound socioeconomic power to fit in to an ill society but to return it back to the logic of the wisdom of Mother Nature.

If you’re spending your devotion on masculine spiritual practices and lineages created BY MEN FOR MEN how are you going to access the magic of the feminine inside of you - your magnetism, intuition, sexuality, divine wisdom and purpose?

The Feminine Mysteries are the most effective path to reprogram your subconscious mind to transform your inner critic into your inner champion.

Women are mystical creatures embodying creativity - the power to create life. This means you have the capacity to create anything you put your mind to... unless, that is, you're ignoring the most primary source of your wellbeing...