Desire More Ease? 8 Winter Solstice Hacks 🕯️

Do you desire more ease this season?


Winter Solstice is the most yin or feminine moment of the year, carrying the potency of rebirth as we sink into the healing womb cave of winter - a magical time when the movement of the sun appears to stand still before the light returns (Sol - Stice = Sun stands still in Latin). 

We are too being asked to stand still, to slow, to listen.

Your body is nature. Despite the hustle and bustle, like winter herself, this season is actually asking you to slow down.


In yoga philosophy the moment of winter solstice could be described as shunyata emptiness that is pregnant with potential.


This means that you are ripe with potential at this moment in the year. Just like a seed laying dormant, building strength for her moment of glory, just like a fetus needs time to grow and gestate - it's not yet the time to rush + fill space!


In the midst of the hustle + bustle, here's a few simple ways to align to the healing power of nature…


❄️ Embrace the Darkness ~ Minimize screen time + phone time (especially when you're in the physical presence of people you love). Ditch the electric lights and opt for candles after dark as much as possible.


❄️ Get Outside ~ Walk outdoors without your phone to take in the beauty of the winter landscape (bonus if you walk after dark to admire the psychadelic stars).


❄️  Sleep More ~ Move slower + gift yourself with earlier bedtimes and naps.


❄️  Release ~ Light a fire and burn any old journals or intentions you're ready to release from this last year.


❄️ Express Gratitude ~ Tell your dear ones you love them + honor your elders by letting them know how much they mean to you. Leave a biodegradable offering by your favorite tree to express gratitude to Mother Nature for all the blessings of your life + your health.


❄️ Reflect ~ Carve out a quiet moment to look back on the year + ask yourself

  • What worked well for me this year?

  • What challenges did I face, and what lessons did they teach me?

  • What am I ready to release to make space for new growth?

  • Who do I want to be in 2025? How do I want to show up in my life - for myself & for my loved ones?

❄️ Evergreen Medicine ~ Gather + Brew Evergreen tea or place some evergreen branches in your delicious bath (make sure you're Christmas tree wasn't grown with pesticides before using it).


❄️ Ritual ~ Hold your own ceremony or host a moon circle or vision board circle with your close sisters or family to reflect on what you're cleansing and what you're calling in during this potent moment of rebirth.


The cycles of nature mirror the cycles within us. Just as the Sun begins its slow return, we too can use this time to rekindle our inner light. Whether you’re looking to embrace change, seek clarity, or simply find more balance in your life, the Winter Solstice is a beautiful reminder that even in the darkest moments, light is always on the horizon.


How does your body desire to receive

the nourishment of Winter Solstice?


I'd love to hear from you! Reply to connect + let us know what keeps you sane and grounded during the holy days.