3 Practices to Awaken Your Inner Visionary

 The Zodiac is a mirror reflection of your own nature, asking you to call forth the super powers she offers each month during the radiance of her fullness. 

Aquarius is the Visionary within you.


She dances to the beat of her own drummer and thereby liberates those around her to be themselves. 


At a party, the first person to dance sets everyone free to surrender to the beat. 

Aquarius asks you to stop trying to fit in to the box. Conformity is the death of Vision.

If you're hiding under an invisible mask, your tribe can't find you, your potential beloved can't find you, money can't find you and your soul work can't find you.


You were born with a vision, a completely unique gift to the cosmic tapestry of creation that is unlike anyone else that has ever lived. This is your medicine for the collective.


How can you cultivate your visionary capacity?


Start by creating a few moments of sacred space to drop in with the following affirmations, journal reflections or rituals.


♒︎ Aquarius Affirmations ♒︎


🌬️ I am willing to be fully myself


🌬️I have essential gifts for my people


🌬️ I am willing allow others to be fully themselves


🌬️ I am no longer willing to be in any relationship where I must suppress some essential part of myself


🌬️ I release all desire to suppress or control others


🌬️ I trust the Great Mystery 

 ♒︎ Aquarius Reflection Prompts ♒︎


When I imagine a fully actualized version of myself, what is she like? How can I playfully embody more of those this month?


Where in my life am I hiding or wearing a mask? What is one small way I can embody more of my uniqueness, knowing that it is a gift to myself and it liberates those around me to be more authentic?


In what part of my life am I being asked to step into greater independence, freedom + alignment?


♒︎ Aquarius Ritual ♒︎


Aquarius rules technology.

Ritual, breath work and mindful movement is the original technology of transformation.

Take a Solo Full Moon Hike

To Ask For or Share Your Vision with Nature


Vision Quest is a universal indigenous ritual reserved for sacred moments of transition when old parts of self are dying and new parts are as yet waiting to be reborn. You may not have time for a week long solo quest into the desert but you can reserve space for a short hike … 


The ritual of asking for or speaking your vision to the trees, the waters or the wind is a deeply therapeutic pathway of receiving support and validation of your worthiness from the Goddess herself (that's a teammate you definitely want on your side!). 


In addition to being excellent practice for sharing yourself unabashedly with your fellow humans, it's a reminder that this part of your life is ultimately about your own awakening, authenticity and liberation and what other people think about your unique desires and offerings is irrelevant. 


Option #1 

🌲 Ask For a Vision 🌲


If you’re at a moment of initiation in your life, it’s time to make a prayer to the winds of change. 


Carve our sacred time and space, ideally under the full moon to “cry for a vision” with a simple prayer asking “how can I be of service?” Then simply listen with all of your cells and all of your heart. 


When we ask with a pure heart, we always receive an answer. Nature always replies to an authentic appeal but she does so in her own way and time, most often through synchronicities or even your dreams in the week following. 


Post this question on your altar and stay present to this prayer before bed (make sure to have your dream journal handy).  

Option #2 

🌲 Speak Your Vision 🌲


This option is for you if you're bursting with desire to manifest your dream life and/or clarity on how you'd like to change and serve the world. 


As you hike, set the intention to encounter the most magnificent tree. When you meet her, take your time to drop in together, breath the oxygen she's exhaling and open your senses to the details of the forest around you - bird and animal sounds, smells, textures. 


Place Your hands in the Mudra of Radical Self Acceptance - one on your heart, one on your belly - and look within, asking… what is the life that's desiring to be born through me? What is the world that's desiring to be born through me?


Wait until you feel connected then ask your tree to receive your vision and support you to bring it forth. When your intuition says “yes” - let it rip, allowing yourself space to wander down corridors of your mind for details, questions and prayers.


When you feel complete, bow to your friend as witness and continue on your way.

How do these invitations sit with you?

Share your experiences or your vision below. 💜


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