The Snake that Eats Her Own Tail

There are certain symbols in which the deepest mystical truths are hidden in plain site.

The ourosbouros is one of them.

Forming the shape of a circle or infinity symbol, this snake is eternally swallowing its own tail, constantly devouring and rebirthing itself.

Like the cycles of the moon, sun and seasons, the Ourosboros embodies the universal and inescapable cycle of birth - growth - decay - death - rebirth.

Seen throughout history on every continent, the Ourosboros is a map out of unnecessary suffering, a signpost towards healing outdated programming and ancestral trauma.

The snake is a symbol of the feminine - mysterious, sensual creature - primal and embodied, able to shed her skin to rebirth herself anew - life giving birth to life. 

The orurosboros is the symbol of feminine power. 

For thousands of years we’ve existed in a culture of war that expresses power through domination. Therefore, most of the power we see in the world is actually false power.

The underground, rebirthing power of the snake is radical and subversive to a worldview of domination and hierarchy.

As women, we’ve been socialized to fear this snake power - our holy, birthright power.

This denial is evident in our stress rates, our overactive minds, our unattended grief, the voice of our inner critic, our hormonal dysfunction, our jealousy and competition with other women, the way we sacrifice our own wellbeing, health or opinions for the perceived benefit of our bosses, our children, our lovers.

But the snake is returning.

It’s a revolution without guns. An inside job happening in the hearts, minds and bodies of women around the world.

This revolution is a remembrance that…

Real power is the source of all life.

Real power is nature.

Real power is holy.

Real power has been waiting thousands of years for us to remember.
Real power is our only hope.

Choosing to trust and learning to wield feminine power is a journey of healing the separation between body and mind, a journey of waking up to who we really are.

Feminine power asks us to truly and deeply know ourselves from the inside out.

A women’s path of feminine power is a remembrance of our snake nature, of our ancestral ways, of the sacredness of our own desire.

It’s a remembrance of what, deep down, we already know but have learned to deny ourselves through the ages.

Upon awakening from her slumber of forgetfulness, my own feminine nature began to speak to me through my traumatized body.

This sacred body initiated me into the mysteries of soul, the mysteries of the feminine. This sacred body continues to teach me how to live a life of true nourishment - nourishment of my own mind, body, spirt, and nourishment of the interconnected web of life around me. 

When a woman remembers, she awakens out of cultural trance and begins to live from her soul and from her power. 

And you, are you the chosen one to break cycles of imbalance for the future of your ancestral line?

Are you ready to know yourself as nature?

Are you ready to reclaim the fragmented parts of yourself, those parts that have been repressed, surpressed, denied and forgotten, perhaps for centuries, to claim your deepest power?

If the answer is yes, you are the feminine leader that we’re looking for. Learn more about Body Temple Alchemy: Earth Mystery School + join the waitlist.